

It is easy to get to Brøndby Hallen by bus. Bus lines 13, 166 and bus 500S all drive to Brøndby Hallen, where the stop is called “Brøndby Hallen”. During the daytime, there are approximately 15 buses per hour. The bus lines run to the nearest S-train stations, which are Brøndby Strand, Brøndbyøster and Glostrup. In addition, they also drive to, for example. the stations Ballerup, Husum, Hellerup, Birkerød and Ørestad.

We have a minibus that will drive people to Glostrup St and to Absalon Camping with the last ride when the program ends. See bus schedule at the info stand at the event.

The first bus departing from Brøndby Hallen will be bus 500S at 5.13, and the last bus departing from Brøndby Hallen will be bus 500S at 0.48.

You can plan your travel from Copenhagen Central Station by using

You can plan your travel from Glostrup Station (close to where the main hotels are) to Brøndby Hallen using

Travel plan from the Airport to Brøndby Hallen using